Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pretty Princess Blue Bathroom

I know not everyone would get excited by this, but I think it's the greatest idea since sliced bread - commercial production of which began in 1928 by Chillicothe Baking Company in Missouri - but I love the amazing little gadget in my bathroom. And no, it's not the bidet, I'm still a little weary of that. It's a drain in the floor, coupled with a spray hose and an industrial squeegie.

I don't know how my bathroom got so blue, maybe the owner found a blue sink and thought, "hmm...what if I made EVERYTHING blue?" or maybe he found the light fixture with blue butterflies first and then found matching shower rings. Whatever the case, I love him for putting in the drain: after showering, I power wash the floor, the walls, the toilet, the tub, the window, and then squeegie it down the drain and get dressed.

This is a bathroom that never gets me "blue."

(I apologize for that last line.....just couldn't resist.)

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